Perceive, React, Surpass

I began working at a new company today. HOORAY!! 🙂
I’d have to say that starting at a new place, doing something new is totally exciting, yes – totally empowering, yes – Scary? Absolutely.
“That’s a normal feeling, Emily!” “You’ll do great, Emily!” ALL things we have all heard, yet we have this fear inside of the unknown, most of the time.
Why? I kept asking myself. Lock it up, Emily, I kept telling myself.
And of course the second you step into the newness, the feelings of anxiety subside and it’s really not that bad, is it?

The questions we create in our minds and the doubts we have, stem from a natural conditioning to feel those things, however, we can also condition ourselves to get past that and instead, feel way less anxious about any new scenario by mindful practicing of positive thinking and positive self talk. (whew that was a long sentence/thought.)

I opened up my Timehop app after a few hours of being at work and BAM, a universal message that came back to me, which I had written three years ago was right in my face:

“Every new day holds a situation that is meant to teach you a lesson(s) and once we are open to the idea of ‘being’ and ‘letting be’ it becomes clearer and easier to follow your gut, your heart. 

We are exactly where we are supposed to be in life. 

It’s all about how you choose to perceive, react and surpass.”

Perfect, don’t you think?

Love and Light, my friends.

All We Need Is Love

Everything needs love. Humans, animals, plants, situations, thoughts, our world.
Everything thrives when there is love. Personalities, solutions, our world.

The event that took place in Orlando on the 11th was devastating.
As were the shootings, bombings, and every other type of killing there has been in this world. 
We see an array of reactions and emotions towards the events, and how people deal with them: Anger, sadness, frustration, fear… Then comes the love, the unity.

Reading articles and posts from friends about this particular tragedy has made me feel every emotion on the spectrum, but I hadn’t found quite exactly how I wanted to articulate or what I wanted to articulate in regards to any of it..
Then it hit me:

Love. Love, unity, and peace should be the things we strive for as a whole – community and society. 
It should be where we start with ourselves because when one knows internal love and peace, it is what comes out from their soul.
Be the example. Lead. Help. Give.

There will be shitty people in this world, but it’s simple not to be one.

All we need is love.

My thoughts and prayers for the victims and their families.

Be the Peace, people.
Be the Love.

“We must create, not destroy.
We must unite, not divide.
We must Love, not hate.”